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Infinite nexus

Comic strip with two panels. The first panel shows a man with long blond hair wearing heavy mauve armour with a serious expression and the back of another man's head with long purple hair and several sweat drops. Speech bubble for the blond man says “So I've been collecting swords, yeah? And now I have a lot. Like, so many swords. And they're all really fucking cool and I don't wanna get rid of any of them. So I was thinking right. You could make me this custom scabbard? One that fits all my swords. All of them. But it like spins around or something? You're a smart engineer you can figure it out. But it has to look cool. Like sick as hell. Okay? Right. I'll come pick it up next week.” Second panel shows the other man sweating profusely and shaking. His thought bubble says “If I don't make this stupid spinny sword golf bag he's going to kill me isn't he” and his speech bubble says “Yes, my Lord!”

Spinny sword

June 2023

Comic strip about that time Zenos met Aulus.
